From Front Royal east to Manassas, I-66 is a well-designed four-lane Interstate highway that from a scenic standpoint takes advantage of the upper reaches of the Blue Ridge Mountains. There is no sign of suburbanization until Manassas, less than 30 miles west of Washington, and at this point, I-66 widens to six (or more) lanes. Still, I-66 is a pleasure to drive, and the pavement is well maintained. The one gripe is that shoulder lanes are used as travel lanes during rush hours, and this seriously compromises safety.
Just don't try driving east of the Capital Beltway (I-495) during the morning and afternoon rush hours, or else you will be turned away. As part of a compromise to get I-66 built inside the Beltway, the highway has only two lanes in each direction, and both travel lanes are HOV only during the morning and afternoon rush. Lush landscaping, barriers and other community amenities make I-66 an amenable neighbor, not like the eight-lane I-66 that had been planned through the area during the 1960's.