If you really enjoy the sensation of driving this is the road for you, especially the Turnpike section from Bluefield to Charleston. Just an outstanding road in every way, gorgeous scenery, tight but safe curves, good pavement, even the service areas are nice, especially the Beckley service area which may be the best of any Turnpike in the country. If you know your stuff you'll notice a few of the original bridges from the Turnpike's original 1954 alignment of two lanes, although most were rebuilt in the 1980's when the road was widened to 4 lanes.
I-77 through Charleston is very interesting. It was built in the mid 80s and has a very modern look and feel to it. You get a great view of the city as the road is built up on the side of a hill east of the city.
I-77 north to Parkersburg is an older road (late 1960's?), but although it is not near what the Turnpike section is as far as aesthetics, it is still a nice ride. Unless there is construction I don't ever see congestion as an issue for this road, it's just a pleasure to drive!